After reading the purpose of CMHC, please read the following requirements to further determine if co-op is a good fit for your family.
- All families must have at least one school-aged child attending co-op (age 6+).
- All families must commit to being present and on time each week (11 Mondays). Priority will be given to families who commit to attending and participating the full 11 weeks. Families who know in advance that they will need to miss no more than 1-3 weeks will be placed on a waiting list (see the Attendance Policy for more details). It is difficult for co-op to operate when families do not fulfill their responsibilities.
- A parent must teach and assist in a class. *The participating parent must speak English well enough to communicate clearly with both children and adults.
- The participating parents must be willing to use email and the website as their primary ways of gaining information and communicating with the administration.
- Both parents must read and acknowledge our Statement of Faith. While it is not required to be a Christian to attend, by attending you acknowledge that Christian beliefs and values will be taught and upheld at CMHC. Teaching against Christian beliefs and doctrines is not permitted.
- The participating parent must read the co-op Handbook and discuss expectations with their children.
- If both parents are living together in Chiang Mai, then both parents must read CMHC's Child Safety Policy, sign the Child Safety Agreement, and the participating parent must attend a mandatory child protection training which will take place at co-op early on in fall semester. The training must be repeated at least once every two years.
- All families must fill out an application and be invited to join CMHC.
* Please note if you are not a native English speaker, you and your child(ren) could be asked for an video call interview. This is to ensure that your English proficiency will be a fit for fulfilling teaching requirements and allow for full participation by children in the classroom.