Attendance Policy
- CMHC only allows 1 pre-planned absence per semester in order for returning families to be automatically admitted for the upcoming semester. This 1 absence can be for a required organizational conference, visa run, or family vacation, but each family is only allowed 1 pre-planned absence per semester.
- If a family knows that they will miss more than 1 week during the semester, then that family will be put on the waitlist if the number of pre-planned absences does not exceed 3 weeks. Once all necessary teacher and teacher assistant positions have been filled and there is space available in the classes the family requires, then that family will be allowed to register. Families that will only miss 2 weeks take precedence over families that will miss 3 weeks.
- New families can not miss more than the first 2 weeks of classes and not more than 3 weeks total.
- Returning families can not miss more than 3 weeks total.
- This is to ensure that (a) we are able to operate having all the help required even with illness and unexpected emergencies, (b) we are giving priority to families who are able to attend regularly, and (c) new families are able to acclimate well to co-op.
- Families may not register their children for classes without also having a parent attending. In other words, a child may not register to attend co-op with another family.
- If the participating parent is unable to attend, children are not allowed to come with another family. Parents may have a third party bring their children in their place. The person who brought the children will also need to fulfill the participating parent’s teaching responsibilities, teacher's assistant responsibilities, and setup/cleanup requirements.
We know and understand that life happens. If you find yourself facing an unexpected illness or emergency, please call or email Rachel ASAP, and she will find substitutes to take your places. We require that you let CMHC know the reason for your absence (aka "personal reasons" is not a valid excuse). Please let Rachel know as you know you'll be absent as that gives her as much time as possible to find a substitute and ensure the co-op runs smoothly.